P&C Latest News & Insights
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Our blog will keep you up to speed on the latest Insuresoft news, including our latest software updates, as well as industry hot topics, business best practices, power tips and research trends — all delivered directly from folks in the know, on your side. Shine on!
Major Challenges in P&C Insurance and How Tech Can Solve Them
The insurance industry is evolving, putting increased pressure on incumbent insurers to offer more policyholder-centric products, embrace digital transformation, and adapt to the ever-changing regulatory
Transforming P&C Insurance with Insuresoft: A User-Centric Approach
In P&C insurance, creating a positive policyholder experience and accurately addressing the needs of the market is one of the biggest keys to success in
How to Increase Speed and Efficiency in Your Insurance Claims Process
As a product they hope never to use, insurance occupies a unique spot in the consumer mindset. Most policyholders stay happy when life’s going smoothly
How Data Analytics is Changing the Insurance Industry
Upwards of $170 billion of insurance premiums could be at risk over the next five years. The culprits? Poor claims experiences and process inefficiencies. Challenges
Risk, Reward, and Resilience: A Guide to Insurance Risk Management
Insurance risk management is critical to mitigate losses, stay financially viable, and meet obligations to policyholders. Learn best practices to mitigate financial loss.
Transforming Claims: The Importance of Speed, Transparency, and More
If you don’t offer an exceptional claims experience, don’t expect your policyholders to stick around in the hopes that you’ll improve. After a claim, many
Breaking Barriers and the Rise of Information Transparency in Insurance
Not so long ago, it seemed like insurers operated in a siloed world shrouded in mystery, with policyholders often feeling left in the dark about
Meeting Modern Policyholder Expectations: Adapting to Digital Demands and Faster Service
Policyholder expectations have changed. Many of today’s policyholders have grown up with the internet, and it’s helped shape the way they view and interact with
Unlocking Growth in Commercial Insurance: Three Reasons to Act Now
P&C Carriers focusing on commercial lines are positioned for significant growth. Why? Because the commercial sector is rife with opportunity. Here are three reasons we
20 Insurance KPIs Your Agency Needs to Track in 2024
Insurance key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics an agency can track to monitor its operations and identify areas for improvement. KPIs provide a clear and
Defending Against Ransomware: Safeguarding Insurers and Policyholders Amid Rising Threats
The ransomware problem is reaching crisis levels, and no industry is immune. Insurers need to take steps now to protect themselves and their policyholders. Understanding
How Strategic Data Analytics Transforms Insurance Performance and Risk Management
With more consumer data available now than ever before, simply having access to this data isn’t enough to drive performance for insurers. They need to