Insurance Customer Communication Management Platform
Insurers need to build trust with their Agents and Policyholders, by offering them more efficient ways to communicate with you, and with each other. Insuresoft’s Diamond Publisher communication management tool and printing application is the key to unlocking that business value.
Diamond Publisher interfaces with almost any system in almost any industry, not just the Diamond suite of tools. Full Microsoft Word printing, PDF, and publishing functionality means you can leverage templates and editing capabilities, with no development or support from IT teams. Make changes quickly and easily through the maintenance console. Streamline daily tasks by enabling digital automation to make dynamic document changes in real time, to accommodate information coming in from disparate data streams. Build trust and brand loyalty while helping reduce exposures by leveraging data to communicate with customers proactively — ahead of time, beyond expectations.

Diamond Publisher Insurer Benefits
On-Demand Insurance Documents for Your Clients and Agents
You decide what records your policyholders and agents need access to and give them the power of real-time information.
Improve Back-office Efficiency with Improved Visibility
Allow agents and policyholders to print their own policies and invoices with a few simple steps. Any documents requested from your policy administration system can be produced via Publisher.
Diamond Publisher Advanced Capabilities
- Create a paperless work environment
- Integrate with imaging, ECM, and other systems requiring flat files for importing
- Make immediate changes with easy configurability
- Extend full printing/PDF capabilities to your agents efficiently and accurately
- Maintain documents simply and easily with Microsoft Word
- Work with any printer that runs in a Windows environment
- Work with TIFF, GIF, JPEG, and other common image-file formats
- Improve back-office efficiency by allowing multiple printers in multiple locations to print documents designated by your administrator
- Works with XML-based data files
- Generate documents on-demand or through batch processes
- Consolidate your print functions by extending Publisher to non-insurance-based platforms